Sunday, October 25, 2009

jim, molly,megan,nicole meet ellie

jim, molly, megan, nicole,and molly's boyfriend jeff, drive to Dfw airport, in dallas, tx, in their ex-large doggie suv, because they lots of very loud riding them, The dogs named francis and georgie are riding seat, with francis, the dog ,driving it.
the dogs named freeway, brody, ziggy, and lizzie and peanut the dogs are riding in it, also.
these very big doggie suv, with lots of very loud barking dogs, are still in that suv, throwing dog treats at each other, while molly,megan,nicole, jim, jeff, molly's boyfriend are walked inside in the airport, to meet ellie, who just flew in from New York city, on a flight, with out any delays on it.
2 very loud and cranky doggie baggage handlers named pippin and scooter threw all ellie's 8 suit cases on the very big suit case cart to push and wheel to molly's very big and doggie suv, to have all 8 suit cases put inside it, all those very loud dogs in molly's doggie suv, are barking and throwing dog treats at those 2 doggie baggie handlers who are this doggie suv, with all ellie 's 7-
suit cases, while molly, megan, jim , nicole and molly's boyfriend jeff, run as fast as they back to molly's very doggie suv, to calm all these very loud doggies down in that doggie suv, so molly can get their very long doggie road to mexico, so everyone can have a great time, it will be a very long road trip to mexico.

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